Allah knows what’s best for us. So why should we complain, we always want the sunshine, but Allah knows there must be rain. We always want laughter and the merriment of cheer but our heart will lose their tenderness if we never shed a tear. Allah tests us often with suffering & with sorrow. Allah tests us not to punish us but to help us meet tomorrow. Allah tests us often and every pain. Allah gives us provided we are patient, is followed by rich again. So, whenever we feel that, everything is going wrong, its just Allah’s way, to make our spirit strong.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

~rezeki di bulan Ramadhan~

Alhamdulillah..semalam aku dpt lg dua org bdk tusyen..darjah satu n darjah dua..adik beradik..bukan org laen pon..ank kwn kakak aku sunyi sgt..laptop pon dh pon rembat alang punyo..hahahaha..
aiman danial and adriana fatihah..tu lah ank murid baru aku..hehehe..bijak..dorg tak segan nk ckp ape yg dorg tak senang sket aku nk ajar 1st n 2nd class ni aku scanning dulu capabalities dorg towards english, math n sience d result is not bad..
next time if i move to rent house pon aku cdg nk teruskan pe yg aku ade ni..n i know de lg family yg nk anta ank dorg blajar ngan if aku pidah pon..aku akan tumpang umah mak wat tusyen..heehehehe..mlm lak leh wat kat umah sea..sewa lak kt kwsan taman..huhuhu..takdelah aku sunyi nnt..hehehe.i love kids..

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~Nothings Gonna Change mY LOve FoR You~

If I had to live my life without you near me
The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
With you I see forever.. oh so clearly
I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong
Our dreams are young and we both know
They'll take us where we want to go
Hold me now
Touch me now
I don't want to live without you

My Hubby

My Hubby